Friday, January 15, 2010

To Be continued...

I have decided that as a career, I will no longer pursue Personal training. If an oppurtunity presents itself then maybe I would consider it if the circumstances are perfect. I feel that there are other things that I need to pursue and conquer before I continue down that path. I am going to continue, however, to use this spot and other blogspots to write. I don't think anyone even reads this stuff, haha, I'm just not that popular. Popularity is definitely not the focus here. So.....I have decided to use these blogs for my thoughts and feelings that I may feel strongly about, which will be mostly about fitness and other means of finding and securing personal contentment. If we are all honost with ourselves, is this not what we all seek? Personal contentment!? Unfortunately for most, nothing ever becomes good enough because we always want more. I desire to conquer those emotions and this may very well be my outlet. Like I said, I'm not too concerned about too many, if any, people finding this. I would like for this to maybe one day turn into a place where people can come to talk about things on their mind or to get encouragement or advice that won't always be coming from me, but from our friends and family. We shall see if I can turn it into that, and let's see if we can get just a few people to think more about others and this beautiful world around us rather than just ourselves and filling our hearts and minds with all that society throws at us. It takes a lot for someone to be humble and maintain integrity with themselves. I'm going to seek to use this blogging as my reminder to hold myself accountable. If I'm lucky, I may find a few of you to join me and see if we can change the world........hahaha, ok scratch that, but we can do what we can to keep ourselves honost and maybe just a smile sometimes could help shrug someone's struggle off.

Ok, the adventure be continued...

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